4 Ways in which you Can Reduce Textile Waste
Tue 22 06 2021

The fashion industry is considered a leader among the top polluters in the world. Not only does it use chemicals in its production process but a huge amount of textile end up in the landfills yearly. With 100 billion garments being produced around the world yearly, have you ever wondered what happens to these items? Everyone can play a role in reducing textile waste, and if you don’t know where to start you can adopt these 4 ways in which you can reduce textile waste.

1. Donate your clothes

This is the most common way to reduce clothing waste, as you can donate your clothes to people in need, an organization that could resell them, or buyers that can reuse the materials. Many organizations are interested in taking your unwanted clothes. Otherwise, you can donate them to charities that will send them to people in need or create useful items out of them.

2. Upcycle your clothing

Upcycling means giving your unwanted clothes a second life when you can’t use them anymore. It is called upcycle because the final product is usually different (more beautiful or functional) than the first one. Transforming your clothes can also make you proud of yourself for accomplishing something, and for giving an old garment a new life. It is also a good opportunity to unleash your creativity and become innovative while repurposing your clothes rather than disposing of them. You can turn your clothes into many things, or upcycle them in a different way such as:

  • You can repair your clothes
  • Turn cotton shirts into makeup remover pads
  • Garment bags
  • Reusable rags for cleaning
  • Pillowcases
  • Headbands (from stretchy material)
  • Reusable produce or shopping bags

3. Repair your used clothes

Usually, clothes that you can’t be worn again could have holes in them, lost a button, or have been worn many times. For all of these situations, there are online “do-it-yourself” (DIY) videos that will help you repair your clothes and reuse them. You can get a sewing kit and use it to fix your clothes or use the help of a tailor. Sometimes all they need is a simple fix, while in some cases you can add some fabrics or material to change them and create new items out of them. This gives you the chance to create new styles out of your old items.

4. Resell your clothes to consignment stores

If you want to make some money, selling your clothes to consignment stores is a good way. This will help you give your used clothes a second life. These stores could have different payment methods, where they could pay you once you drop off your items, or once they are sold. Find the store that would accept your items in terms of quality and brands, because many stores only accept brands. Selling your items at shops like these is a good opportunity for you to look for other used items that you can purchase and give a second life.




