5 Ingredient Swaps for Healthier Cooking
Mon 08 03 2021

Whether you are a fan of cooking or not, you cannot deny that you are a fan of good food and preferably good healthy food. To make better healthy choices, you can just swap some ingredients so that you do not need to change the whole recipe. In this article, we will discover 5 ingredient swaps for healthier cooking.

1. Refined white sugar and flour

If you love sweets, you do not need to cut them out of your life to avoid putting on weight. Therefore, what you need to do is swap the ingredients that are deemed to be unhealthy for you. Substitute white sugar with applesauce or aquafaba. You can also substitute flour with black beans in chocolate desserts. According to some vegan bakers, you will barely feel the difference when it comes to the taste.

2. Use non-dairy milk in your smoothies

You can substitute your usual milk with a non-dairy option that is still loaded with probiotics and protein. You can also add some superfoods to your smoothies to get more benefits, such as spinach.

3. Make your veggie chips

Chips are tasty but unhealthy because they are fried and contain lots of unwanted ingredients and fats. Instead of buying your chips from the supermarket, you can make your healthy version of them. Chose the vegetable of your choice (carrots, kale or sweet potatoes are recommended options) and turn them into healthy chips on your own. However, remember that these will be your snack and not your daily dose of vegetables. 

4. Replace flavored oatmeal with unsweetened oatmeal

Flavored oatmeal is full of chemicals and calories and does not contain as many nutrients as you think it does. Substitute flavored oatmeal with unsweetened one to cut back on extra sugar and additives. You can put the oatmeal in water and then in the microwave. Add some cinnamon, honey, and nuts to add flavor.

5. Replace granola with nuts

Granola might seem like a good snack option however, it is packed with added sugar. For healthier but similar options you can get the crunchy taste without all the sugar and calories by substituting granola with nuts instead. If you want your snack to be sweeter, add a little bit of honey or maple syrup.

6. Replace jam with smashed avocado

If you are the type of person who consumes jam on a toast for breakfast, let me tell you there are healthier and tastier options. For more filling and healthy nutrients, mash half an avocado and add it to your toast, you can add lemon juice to it, and a slice of tomato. The fiber and the cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated healthy fats in the avocado will help you stay full for a longer period. Add an egg or two for more satisfaction.

7. Replace cheese with veggies

A healthy way to prepare your food is by substituting cheese with vegetables. This helps reduce your consumption of sodium, fat, and calories. Consider vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and spinach to benefits from their nutrients.




