Here is How You Can Boost Your Metabolism with Exercise
Tue 16 02 2021

Your metabolism is your body’s way of burning the foods that you consume and turning them into energy to help you go on with your daily activities. Some people have a metabolism that is faster than the one of other people. What affects the speed of your metabolism are usually things that you do not control, such as your sex, your genes, and even your age. The health of your thyroid can also affect the speed of your metabolism. However, if it is healthy, you can choose to speed it up, with exercising.

The cells of muscles require lots of energy to burn lots of calories. Muscle cells burn more calories than fat cells even when you are not being active. Therefore, the time you spend working out collects its benefits even after you finish working out.

And as you get older, it gets even more important that you work out, as you lose muscle mass as you get older, slowing down your metabolism. This is an issue that can be solved by working out and being active.

There are two main ways in which you can challenge your muscles:

1. Level up your workout

All kinds of aerobic exercise can burn calories, whether you chose to run or take a Zumba class. If you make your workout even more intense, your body will end up burning more calories. You can try intervals. Apply this method to any type of cardio workouts. This is helpful because you will be switching between high and low intensity. Maximize the number of repetitions you do for one minute, and then walk in place for the next two minutes and repeat the whole cycle for 15 minutes.

2. Lift weights

Muscles use more calories than fat, for this reason, you need to strengthen your muscles so they can burn more calories than ever before, even when you are not being active. You can do a set or two of 12 to 15 repetitions for every major muscle group, twice every week. Make sure you work out your biceps, abs, quads, and glutes. This will not only boost your metabolism but also benefit your bones, heart, and your mood.

How your body burns calories

There are three ways in which your metabolism works, or your body burns calories to produce energy:

1. The resting metabolic rate (RMR)

Your resting metabolic rate makes 75 percent of the energy you burn every day. Your organs require energy even when you are not being active and this is what our RMR does; burning calories while your body is resting.

2. The thermic effect of food (TEF)

When food enters your digestive system, its temperature rises so that it can process all the food. It needs more energy than when your body is at rest. It usually produces around 10% of the energy for your body every day.

3. The physical activity energy expenditure (PAEE)

The PAEE accounts for the energy that your body burns when it is working out or being active in any way.

The sum of these 3 ways, is the total of how much energy your body burns daily.




