These exercises are great for pregnant women
Wed 11 11 2020

Pregnancy is one of the greatest blessings and gifts for many couples. This life event makes you shift your focus from yourself to another being who is usually the growing baby inside the belly. While many women decide to stop working out in order not to harm their baby, this is a myth. There are many exercises that are suitable for pregnant women, and in the following article, we will explore some of them.

1. Swimming

You can feel more agile in the water, as you weigh less than you do on land. Swimming is a safe way to be active and it can relieve sciatic pain, nausea, and puffy ankles. Your baby will be floating as well which helps you lower its pressure on your ligaments and joints.

2. Walking

Walking is another safe exercise that is easy and can be fit in your schedule. You can practice walking even in advanced times of your pregnancy with no harm.

3. Aerobics classes and group dance

Classes like Zumba can increase your heart rate and the level of endorphins in your body. However, avoid high jumps, and do not exhaust yourself.

4. Cycling indoor

If you have practice indoor cycling before, you might still be able to do it even after your pregnancy. Make sure you tone down the intensity and that you adjust the handlebars so you are not leaning but instead have a straight back.

5. Kickboxing

If you have practiced kickboxing before, you can still do it for some weeks after your pregnancy. You will find that your kicks are not as graceful as before, so make sure that you do not higher the intensity.

6. High-intensity interval training workouts (HIIT)

You might be surprised reading that pregnant women can do HIIT. However, this type of training is not for every pregnant woman. If you have practiced HIIT before and know the moves very well, all you need is a green light from your doctor and you can start your workout.

7. Pilates

Pilates is considered appropriate for pregnant women. This type of exercise help lengthening the muscles and strengthening the core helping you get rid of back pains and improving your posture and flexibility.

8. Yoga

Of course, yoga is a good way to be safely active during your 9 months of pregnancy. In fact, you can practice a type of yoga that is specific for moms to be: prenatal yoga. It will help you relax, improve your flexibility, deep breathing and focus. You can also ask your teacher to modify the moves so they are suitable for you. Avoid deep backbends and exercises such as headstands and handstands to avoid any blood pressure problem.

9. Tai Chi 

Finally, Tai Chi is another safe exercise for pregnant women. It is an ancient form of meditation that includes slow movements that will help almost anyone to strengthen their body with a low risk of injury. You can look for Tai Chi classes that are tailor-made for pregnant women or stick to the exercises you know well and you’ve practiced before.

Which exercise is your favorite?



