Are you overtraining your body? Here are some signs
Mon 07 09 2020

Some people might struggle to stick to a workout plan most of the days, while others are strongly committed to their workout routine, and these are the people we look up to. However, some of the committed ones might be doing some huge mistakes such as overtraining. Look out for the following signs to know if you are overtraining your body or not.

1. You are sick most of the time

Have you been feeling like the flu is haunting your days? This could be a sign that you are not giving your body the breaks it needs. Some illnesses like a sore throat or an upper respiratory infection might stick around for a while. The reason behind this could be because constantly working out your body reduces your immunity levels which affect the way your body fights illness.

2. You are feeling a lasting soreness

Soreness that lasts even after 24 to 48 hours from a workout might mean something dangerous. While this feeling is normal in most cases, especially after intense training, not allowing your body to rest might be a reason for it to last. Make sure that you reduce your activity level whenever you feel soreness to allow your body to heal.

3. You are unable to stay asleep

Sleep quality is easily affected by external factors such as stress. Furthermore, too much physical activity can be another reason your sleep quality is perturbed. To solve the issue, you need to start by reducing your activity level and if you can skip one day at the gym. Rather than the usual workout, try to stick to a light one that requires a small amount of effort. You can swim or play a tennis match with a friend instead of lifting weights, which can be a good way to relax.

4. Your performance decreased

Of course, we all go through days where we do not feel like working out or even finishing the workout. However, not every time this is a sign of tiredness or laziness. If you experience a slower performance after training for many days in a row, this means it is time to slow down a little bit.

5. You suddenly do not feel motivated

For someone with a big motivation to reach a fitness goal, it should not be normal to suddenly lose interest in working out. If this happens, it might mean that you have an over-trained body. Try to modify your training program so you have space to include breaks and days off. You will find your motivation coming back to you.

6. Injuries are more frequent

Running, or being in a standing up position for long periods mean that your bodyweight is on your feet for a longer time. This could lead to several problems such as injuries and fractures from adding a lot of stress on the bones and muscles. If you feel pain, especially in the lower part of your body, this means it is time to slow down.



