The 8 Best Foods for Muscle Growth
Tue 11 05 2021

There are two indispensable things that you need to do to grow lean muscle: exercise and have a proper nutrition plan. Even when physical activity seems to be enough to do so, you must know that eating the right foods can help you with your goal. Foods that are high in protein are essential to help you gain muscles, however, fats and carbs play important roles as well, as sources of energy. So if you are aiming at growing your muscles here are the 8 best foods for muscle growth.

1. Eggs

Eggs are rich in many nutrients such as B vitamins and healthy fats and high-quality protein. Since proteins are made of amino acids, eggs are considered to hold high levels of leucine, an amino acid that helps muscle gain. B vitamins on the other hand are important for many body processes such as energy production.

2. Salmon

Salmon is not only delicious but also essential for muscle building. Only 85 grams of salmon can offer you 17 grams of protein, up to 2 grams of omega-3 fatty acids alongside a variety of B vitamins. These play an important role in improving your muscular health and increasing your muscle gain if you are exercising.

3. Chicken Breast

Chicken breasts are known to be essential for gaining muscle, and this is because they are rich in high-quality proteins, niacin (B vitamin), and B6. All of these can improve the functioning of your body during exercises and are optimal for muscle growth, as well as fat loss.

4. Greek Yogurt

Did you know that dairy is rich in protein? In fact, they also contain both fast-digesting whey protein and slow-digesting casein protein. Consuming Greek yogurt if you are physically active will help you increase your lean muscle mass. Try it as a good snack after your training or before bed.

5. Tuna

If you are a pescatarian (a vegetarian who eats fish), then you would appreciate having tuna on this list. 85 grams of this delicious food, contains 20 grams of protein, and high amounts of A and B vitamins, which are perfect to help you maintain high levels of energy, and improve your exercise performance, helping you grow your muscles.

6. Lean Beef

Beef is another source of protein and B vitamins. It is also rich in creatine and minerals. Lean red meat will increase the gained lean mass while training.

7. Shrimp

Shrimp are said to be almost pure protein as every 85 grams of it is made of 18 grams of protein, only 1 gram of fat, and no carbs at all. Consuming shrimps is an easy way to improve your muscle-building protein because it has the healthy carbs and fats needs with a low number of calories.

8. Soybeans

This one is for vegetarians who are committed to building a strong body. If you consume half a cup of cooked soybeans, you will be receiving 14 grams of protein, unsaturated fats, and many minerals and vitamins. They are also considered a good source of phosphorus, vitamin K, and iron.

Make sure you stock up on these superfoods to build your muscles healthily!




