Is skipping breakfast bad for your health?
Mon 19 10 2020

Sometimes when you wake up, you do not feel like preparing or even eating breakfast at all. This could develop to become a habit and many people do have it. For this reason, you might ask yourself, is skipping breakfast bad for your health? In this article, we will try to answer that question and understand whether waiting until noon or lunch to fuel our bodies is considered a bad move or not.

1. People who eat breakfast have healthier habits

Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast regularly are usually healthier as they tend to adopt healthier habits. They tend to have optimal weight and lower risks of chronic diseases. However, these studies cannot prove that these people are healthy because they eat breakfast. In fact, they could be healthy because of the other healthy habits that they adopt due to eating breakfast. The same goes for people who tend to skip breakfast as they are more probable to drink alcohol, smoke and work out less.

2. Breakfast won’t boost your metabolism

If you eat your breakfast just because you think it improves your metabolism, then you are living a lie. Whether you eat breakfast or not, the number of calories burned won’t be affected.

3. You will not gain weight from skipping breakfast

You might have heard that skipping breakfast can make you gain weight as you will feel hungrier during the day, and compensate for the calories you missed as well as eat even more calories. It is true that if you skip breakfast, you will feel hungrier at lunchtime, however, you will not be able to consume two meals in one. In fact, skipping breakfast can make you eat 400 calories less during a day, as you are skipping a whole meal, and compensating for part of it in other meals, in terms of calories.

4. It might have some health benefits

People who follow intermittent fasting, skip breakfast every day. This is because their eating time of 8 hours starts at lunchtime and ends right after dinner. Furthermore, this type of dieting has been proved to increase weight loss, improve metabolic health, and reduce calorie intake. While intermittent fasting is not for everyone, make sure that it suitable for you before deciding to follow it. If you experience headaches, low blood sugar, or lack of concentration make sure that you stop it and go back to consuming breakfast regularly.

As a conclusion, breakfast is optional. It won’t matter if you eat this meal or skip it as long as you do eat healthy for the remaining of the day. It does not give your metabolism a boost, and you won’t over-eat in case you skip it.

Listen to your body, if you feel hungry in the morning, eat breakfast, and it is recommended that you chose one that is rich in protein. And if you do not feel hungry or if you feel unable to eat in the morning, then don’t.



