How to deal with increased hunger after a workout?
Tue 07 01 2020

After working out, you might fight yourself very hungry that you would consider eating a burger or pasta, forgetting about all the calories you have burnt during your workout. While the reasons for this hunger are many, they are quite normal. So how should you deal with them; surrender at the sight or smell of tasty, even if unhealthy foods, or find alternatives? Definitely, the alternatives are the winning answer in this dilemma. The following is a list of healthy ways that could help you deal with the immense hunger of a workout.

1. Eat before you workout

You have been recommended not to eat anything 2 hours before your workout, and this is true. However, a light snack (not too heavy on the stomach), is what you need to limit an uncontrollable hunger after your workout. One great option is Greek yogurt, peanut butter, or a glass of chocolate milkshake. You can also opt for an energy bar that will give you all the energy you need for your workout, as well as keeping you full for a long time.

2. Drink plenty of water

After your workout, always make sure that you rehydrate and make up for the water loss in your body by sweat. Dehydration might make you eat more, therefore, it would be a piece of great advice to also drink one glass of water before any meal to avoid overeating.

3. Don’t postpone your post-workout meal too long

Eat something, even if small, after your workout, because the longer you wait, the hungrier you will get. This will help you avoid eating big amounts of foods as soon as you get the chance to eat and sometimes overeat even after being full.

4. Consume proteins

Protein is very important after a workout because it builds and repairs muscles that have been worked out and are feeling tired. One good option is Greek yogurt and some berries with grilled chicken and vegetables such as broccoli, alongside a sweet potato. If you wish for another option than quinoa is a good one also. You can also substitute with brown rice or even hummus (who doesn’t love hummus?). What is important is that you aim for 15 to 25 grams of protein each night.

5. Doublethink before you start eating

Slow down by thinking twice about the food you will eat. This will make you aware of what you are about to do, overeat, and helps you rethink your decision, as well as the food you are thinking of consuming. A good suggestion is that you take a shower or unpack your gym bag before you eat, to give yourself enough time to explore your choices. Giving yourself a few minutes before you start eating, make your stomach more aware of fullness, which helps you avoid eating more than you should.

6. Do not compensate for all the calories you burned

After a workout, think of how many calories you’ve burnt, or how well you’ve performed, and make sure that you do not compensate for the whole number. Always opt for healthy choices that accounts of fewer calories than the ones burnt at the gym



