Taking a Mental Break: Planning your Wellness Sabbatical
Tue 28 09 2021

Many people know that taking a mental break from work can be beneficial to their productivity and overall well-being, but they don't take the time to plan for one. Taking a proper mental break isn't just about going on vacation or not checking email for awhile. It's about making sure you're getting enough rest, exercise, and taking care of your emotional needs as well!

There are a lot of great reasons to take mental breaks and vacations, but sometimes it's hard for us to get the time off. There is an easy way around that though--you can just plan one! Read on for tips on how you can incorporate these into your life so you don't have to worry about getting enough rest and taking care of your mental well-being.

This is a tutorial on how to take care of one's mental wellness while balancing the demands of work, family life, and obligations at school or home. For most people this means taking time off from work for vacations or breaks, but there are many other ways that you can incorporate these into your everyday life.

-Take a break from work to sleep, exercise, or do something you enjoy for at least one hour each day. It will help you feel more refreshed and focused when it is time to go back to your tasks!

A study by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who slept fewer than six hours per night on average reported feeling more stressed.

-Find time for a social outlet that brings you joy or relaxation, such as reading with friends, playing board games with your family, taking the dog to the park, or having coffee break on your porch!

The benefits of group activities range from better mood and increased energy levels to reduced stress hormones. People who spend time with others are also less likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol or eating too much sugar.

-Find a "me" activity that you enjoy and commit to doing it at least two hours per week. These could include taking an art class, going for walks by yourself, reading books about topics unrelated to your work, or taking a dance class.

If you don't have much time for these activities outside of your work life, try incorporating them into the times when you're not working so that they become part of how you relax and recharge!

-Find one hour per week to do something difficult or uncomfortable. This could be scary because it's new and unknown, or because it's social and you worry about how others may react.

The benefits of this activity are that they can be challenging in ways that make us feel accomplished when we complete them. It also helps us to grow as people!

-Spend time avoiding work altogether for at least two hours per week. This might mean taking a nap, reading a book for leisure instead of work-related material, or just watching television.

Warning: Make sure that you're not neglecting your other responsibilities as well! Take care to spend time with family and friends outside of the workplace if they are important to you. You don't want this break from work to replace any other important relationships in your life.



