4 Foods and Supplements to Help You Recover from Sports Injuries
Mon 01 03 2021

Sports injuries are very common for active people, and they are a normal part of athlete’s journeys. While there are many preventative things that they can do, injuries still happen. For this reason, people who practice sport prepare also, not only to prevent the injuries but to heal and recover from them if needed. One of the recommended ways to help recover from sports injuries is consuming foods and taking supplements. In this article, we will talk about 4 foods and supplements to help you recover from sports injuries.

1. Protein-rich foods

Protein is important to build and rebuild muscles in your body. When you are injured after practicing sports, you put the injured body part to rest, which decreases its strength and muscle mass. Consuming protein will help you minimize this loss as well as prevent inflammation. It is recommended that you start increasing your protein intake as soon as you start training your injured part again to help rebuild the lost muscle. Consume more protein-rich foods such as beans, tofu, fish, poultry, peas, meat, seeds, and nuts.

2. Foods rich in fiber

Part of the recovery process includes resting your injured body part. This could result in unwanted body fat due to the lack of movement, which can be compensated by eating less. A recommended way to reduce the calorie intake is by consuming more fibers alongside protein-rich foods. This way you will be eating less and staying full for longer. Furthermore, these foods are rich in many nutrients essential for recovery such as zinc, magnesium, and vitamin C. make sure you do not restrict calories too much as this will further promote muscle loss.

3. Omega-3 fatty acids

During the healing process, you could experience some inflammations, which is a normal response for proper healing. However, if the levels of inflammation remain high for a long period, it could make your recovery slower. A good way to prevent a high level of inflammation from slowing down your recovery is to consume enough omega-3 fats. You can find this supplement in foods like flaxseeds, fish, walnuts, chia seeds, and algae. It is also helpful to limit the consumption of omega-6 fats found in canola, corn, sunflower oils, soy, and cottonseed, as it can promote inflammation further if your omega-3 fats intake is low. 

4. Creatine

Creatine is mainly found in meat, fish, and poultry. Your body needs to produce energy when you do high-intensity exercise or when you are lifting heavyweights. Even your body produces a gram of creatine daily. It is also used to improve your performance in sports and increase muscle mass in your body. It has been proven to have the ability to help you recover from various sports injuries as it enhances strength and muscle gain to recover the mass you’ve lost due to the injury. According to health experts, it is recommended to consume creatine in 4 doses of 5 grams each every day.




