5 Facts to Know About Fat
Mon 22 02 2021

Fat is possibly the biggest fear we have when it comes to fitness and our body image. However, our fear is way bigger than what we know about it. In this article 5 facts about the fat that you should know!

1. Fat used to be a symbol of wealth

Of course, richer people ate more food. Take a look at the paintings from Europe’s 16th century and you will see that rich people were the ones who had more kilograms around their waist. During that time, curvy women were considered fertile and wealthy. Being fat in the past meant that you had enough money to eat well and to feed your family. In fact, during that period food was not easily reached and medicine was almost inexistent, which meant that being fat was a sign of being able to reach what is unreachable for the majority of people. Nowadays, obesity is a global issue growing daily and is no longer a symbol of wealth but instead of unhealthiness.

2. You lose fat through your breath, urine, and sweat

When you work out you notice that you are sweating and you might be aware of the fact that your body is getting rid of the fat it was storing. However, this is not the only way to lose fat. You can do so through other means of water loss such as peeing, or by even breathing.

3. Your body needs fat to function

When you follow a diet that is low in fat, you will notice that your body and every part of it look tired or less energetic than usual. This is because this macronutrient enters your body to create energy and help you operate. Furthermore, the fact that you consume food, is essential for your nails, skin, and hair. It helps keep them healthy and allows your cells to function well and to protect your body from shocks by keeping your body temperature normal, helping you avoid blood clotting, and improving the movement of your muscles.

4. Muscle is denser than fat and weighs more

If you put a cubic inch of muscle next to a cubic inch of fat, you will see that they both take the same space, however, the fat cubic will weigh more. Fat takes more space in your body than muscles do, and this is because muscle is more compact and smaller than fat. Therefore, when you start losing fat and gaining muscles, you will see your waist size shrinking but the number on the scale will more likely go up. Do not worry, as during this process the number on the scale is not an indicator of how “fat” you are anymore. Just remember that muscles are way healthier for your body than fat.

5. Your brain can run on fat

Your body uses the ketone bodies that were present in fatty foods under the form of fatty acids and turn them into energy to be active.




