These are The Most Common Reasons Behind Sports Injuries
Mon 25 01 2021

Everyone, who practice sports, is prone to a sport injury. Not using your muscles in the proper way, can lead to their injury. However this is not the only reason for a sport injury, as there are many. If you are an athlete, someone who works out regularly or a person who is not very active, you could be subject to injuries. Therefore, it is important that you understand the reasons that could lead to them. These are the most common reasons behind sports injuries

1. Overtraining

Overtraining means using your muscles more than you should, and not giving them enough time to rest. When you train your muscles, they get tired and need rest. Imagine training them too much, and not allowing them to rest and recover, this will of course lead to injuries. The symptoms could range from excessive fatigue, troubled sleep, inability to concentrate, to inability of performing exercises the right way.

2. Overuse

Overuse of a muscle happens when pressure is put on the same muscle repetitively. Over time these injuries could worsen and lead to a permanent problem such as the golfer’s knee, and the tennis elbow. The symptoms that could mean an overused muscle include a pain that worsens with time, and could sometimes become swollen or bruised. To avoid this injury, you should allow your muscles to rest between training sessions.

3. Improper warm-up

Warm-up is essential before any workout. Failing to do so, means training your muscles before they are prepared to handle the pressure and stress of the workout. This could lead to injuries due to the unpreparedness of your muscles. During a warm-up the blood circulation to your muscles increases, and their temperature rises. Around 15 to 20 minutes of stretching and cardio exercises can be enough to help prepare your body to the workout, help you preform your best, and avoid any injuries.

4. Poor technique

Poor technique is all about doing an exercise in the wrong way many times. Over time, the injury resulted from a poor technique can lead to a serious condition or in even more serious and long term injuries. If you are not very familiar with exercises techniques, it is better that you do not work out alone. Make sure that there is a trainer who is regularly checking up on your postures. He or she will also give you advice on your clothes, equipment to be used and exercises to do. They will also help you use the weight that is the best for your level.

5. Impact

In sports, impact is when something of significance weight comes into contact, with big force with one of your body parts, affecting your muscles. Usually such an injury happens in sports with more than one player such as football. The impact of coming into forceful contact with someone else or another object, or even the ground, can force unexpected direction change causing unexpected damage to connective tissue, or even joint dislocation. The only way to protect oneself in such sports, is to wear protective equipment such as a helmet.




