9 Signs That You are Exercising Too Much
Mon 18 01 2021

Of course, there are many people who do not work out enough and are usually below their fitness goals. But also, there are some people who surpass the recommended hours of training. While you might think that the second type of person is the best, they are the ones at a higher risk of injuries. Overtraining or working out too much can have negative consequences on your body. The following article exposes 9 signs that you are exercising too much.

1. You don’t see results anymore

If your fitness goals are too high, you cannot reach them by overtraining. Going to the gym too much can keep your body’s muscles away from progressing. In fact, they need to rest well in order to grow. When your muscles do not get enough rest, they do not recovering and are not ready for the upcoming workout.

2. You are becoming less fit

After a period of time, not only you won’t be seeing results, but your body will start to become less fit. When your muscles are constantly unable to get enough time to rest and repair, they will start to get weaker. Muscles grow after the workouts not during them.

3. You are gaining weight

Overtraining puts your body in a situation of long-lasting stress. This interferes with the stress hormones that your body makes and affects your metabolism leading to weight gain.

4. Your muscles are very sore

When your muscles feel sore for more than three or four days after your workout, it means that they are not recovering properly and the damage done during the workout is not being repaired.

5. You are very moody

Working out is good for your mental health and overtraining harms it. In fact, overtraining makes you less motivated, short-tempered, anxious and could make you depressed.

6. You don’t sleep well anymore

Exercising can make you sleep better, but exercising too much have a counter effect on your sleep quality. This is because your levels of cortisol are high and your parasympathetic nervous system does not operate correctly.

7. You are constantly injured

When you over train your muscles, they become broken down and weakened. This makes you vulnerable to injury. Also, exercising with injured or unrested muscles you are putting yourself at risk of being frequently injured.

8. Your heart is beating a lot

Do you find your heart beating more than usual? In fact, when you over train your heart rate changes due to the high demand of the body. Therefore, if you are at a resting state but you feel your heart racing, it means that you need to slow down your body’s activity.

9. You feel that you are addicted to working out

Over-exercising and feeling addicted to working out come together. If you ever feel that you are becoming obsessed with working out it is important that you assess your situation and seek help from a professional who could tell you what is wrong and helps you control it.




