Did you know these facts about the treadmill?
Mon 21 09 2020

The treadmill is one of the most common and used machines in the gym and even in our houses. Almost everyone has been on a treadmill at least once. It is the first thing you’d get on if you decided to start losing weight or be more active. However, a lot of facts are not known about this machine. Would you like to discover them? Read on.

1. They were produced to boost manual labor at first

The first form of today’s treadmill was meant to improve the work of Romans workers in the first century. It was used like a modern crane, where men would move in a huge wheel like the one hamsters run in, in order to lift heavy objects used in construction.

2. The first treadmill with a motor was introduced in 1952

Between the 1950s until the 1960s, an American cardiologist and a physician in preventative medicine, Dr. Bruce and Dr. Cooper, conducted a research to prove the health benefits of the treadmill on the cardiovascular health and its ability to measure the cardiac functions of their patients. The research also showed that the treadmill will be able to diagnose and identify conditions that cannot be discovered in other ways. This study helped develop the treadmill as a machine for the gym and in-home fitness routines, leading to today’s version of the treadmill.

3. There are treadmills with seats

In many treatment centers, treadmills are also used for therapy known as manual locomotion therapy. They are used to help in many cases such as stroke patients who need stimulation for their walking movements and to learn to walk again. The seats are for the therapists to sit near the patient and monitor their moves.

4. There are treadmills without motors

Motor-less treadmills are powered by the activity of humans using a system of aluminum tracks and bearings.

5. Treadmills are entertaining nowadays

In 2002, the manufacturing of treadmills that have TVs incorporated in them become a reality. This helped users track their progress through time and every time they used this system. Five years later, this treadmill became widely sold in the market. In 2007, street views became incorporated in the treadmills making it easy for users to picture themselves in an outdoor space. In 2009, running or walking on an inclined path became possible.

6. You can walk and work at the same time

In 1999, treadmills with desks were introduced. They made working and working out at the same time a reality. A computer desk attached to the treadmill helped people manage their time. With these treadmills you can stay fit and finish your workload right on time, it is also a good opportunity to be active while at work. Would you buy a treadmill ad your new desk at work?

7. Dogs can use treadmills on their own

There is a treadmill for dogs as well! They can be used at home and also for clinical use to help dogs with walking difficulties. These can be used at homes especially when owners do not have time to walk their dogs around.



